Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One thing after another

Why is it when you do your best something always seems to be there at time to try and break you. I am recovering great now and feeling stronger every day . The biopsy came back and the cancer is seeming to be gone. But with the unsureity of it all i am going to have a few treatments then test it again to make sure it is gone. After that i will begin my reconstruction. I have had issues with my work not showing up in the db boards or work that i turn in is not posting. Tech support don't even know what is wrong. so i responded to a few of you posts and what great papers you guys have i know that you did not see mine because tech support said they did not see it but seen i posted.
Kathe Cote

Saturday, October 2, 2010

On the rebound

Hello Everyone I am on the rebound now and things are looking up. I have had a really good week of recovery. This is also homecoming week for my daughter and this is her senior year. It is amazing how fast our children grow it seems like just yesterday she was starting head start. Now she is going to be 18 in a few months and she is looking for colleges. I don't really have much to blog on this week it is a short week to me. I am having a bit of an issue getting this report lined us because the topic is not is kaplans library so i have had to go to out side sources for everything.

Friday, September 24, 2010

What a differance a week makes.

Hello Classmates, I am sorry for the lack of participation last week. I had the cancer surgery Friday The surgery went ok took 2 hours . When i woke up however is when the issue started I was not able to breath on my own, I was placed on a breathing machine so assist me in breathing till the anastesia wore off. This took about 8 hours. I did come home that night and was sent home on antibiotics. The next day hubby filled them and i took the first does and proceeded to vomit perfusly till I had blood seeping out of the surgical site. So I went to the hospital and I ripped open the site and found out I was allergic the the antibiotics. so back in to surgery I went, it is now Monday morning and I am in the OR yet again. SOOOO now i have to go thru the waking up stuff again and the same thing happened this time they gave me a breathing treatment to open my airways to make me breath they decided i had to stay till Tuesday to ensure that the breathing was stable. So i got to come home Tuesday night and have been laying around in pain for 3 days. I am still in alot of pain but the dr said i will be for a while. I am back and good as i can be.

Kathe Cote

Thursday, September 16, 2010

positive thought brin on positive results


Hello everyone, I hope your week has been great for you. This here are panning out. I have the house ready for the long weekend. Surgery is tomorrow and that is out patient so no big worries there. Saturday a friend is having a baby shower and i am going to that as well. and Sunday i have the launch party of my new business Scentsy Candles. The link is above check it out if you love candles there amazing. I am having a bit of confusion on the work this week and the study guide but i will get it all figured out i guess. Have a blessed week every one see you in the blog world. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stress is not a good this

Hello classmates and friends, this week i am discussing stress. Why you ask? Well i am a 5th term student at Kaplan and time management has always been my closest friend. I put a strong value on my time when it comes to my classes and study times. This year with my daughter being a senior there is allot of things that just have to be done. I am also launching a new business for added income which is working out great so far. here is the website if you would like to check me out....www.kathecote.scentsy.us/home.I am as well a JROTC mom to my daughter Army JROTC program and have been asked to start a booster club for the kids. There simply amazing. Which as you can see I am very proud of as well. Ia m volunteering at the school to do what ever is needed this year as i have done through out all the year my daughter has been in school. With all of this said i have found that time management is not working any more i need to get more hours in the days. OH and less i not forget we had a storm that took out power to my area for a few days.I am open to any suggestions of how i could make everything important. I love to stay busy and i have really got that covered. lol Have a great week and a blessed day.
Kathe Cote

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What a crazy week

This week has been a up and down. I have had a family emergency that had to be handled. Everything is great now. My daughter is getting ready to start her Senior year is school. It is a bit crazy seeing her start this amazing year in her life. Time has really flown. The weather is changing and time to get ready for the cold. I am really exciting to start this term. I have been eager to get my degree and do this for me. I am very proud of what i have done and can not wait to begin the next phase of my journey.I don't know about you but when you have family support you can do anything. This weeks unit is a bit mind boggling to me or maybe it is all the major distractions i have in my life right now. I am having a hard time focusing on thing. Well i guess that sums up my week and i am sorry this is late we had to go to Indiana Thursday and then all the way to Sault Ste Marie Michigan. And i live in south east Michigan. I am at a hotel doing this I wont be home until tomorrow night.Well my new friends let me know what ya think.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My first blog

Hello this is my first blog and i will tell you a bit about me. I am 43 years old and i live in Michigan. I have 2 kids oldest is Nick whom passed away 2 years ago. and a daughter whom is 17 and a senior in high school . I am married to a wonderfully supportive man named jeff. We belong to a bird club and rescue and enjoy it very much.